Sunday, June 3, 2007

Are you left handed?

Being Left Handed

One out of every ten people walking down the street is left-handed. Everywhere they go, left-handed people come across tools that were designed for right handed persons.

Medical researchers have searched long and hard for what causes people to be left handed or right handed. The researchers have concluded that left handed people are left handed for the same reason as brown eyed people have brown eyes. It's just one of those things that shows up in one out of every ten people.

A really interesting question is whether there is any connection between left handed people and creative genius. Some of history's most creative minds have been left-handed.

In the category of art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed. In the category of music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In the field of science and invention, you find Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. In the field of motion pictures, Charlie Chaplin.

Bobby Fisher, the modern chess genius, is left handed. So too musical geniuses Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Wynton Marsalis.

Each of the these persons had a mind so exceptional as to be head and shoulders above anyone else in their field. So even though it may be more difficult for a left handed person to live in a right handed world, lefties can know that they are in good company. Beethoven and Einstein had it tough, too.

-P. Shapiro
Are you left handed? My five-year-old son is...and he seems to be slower at learning in writing and reading than my other two sons. He is very good creatively and artistically.
My mom and sister are both ambidexterous. They can use both the right and left hand. My mom, however, says she can only draw with her left hand because she was born a leftie. They forced her in school to be right handed because in Japanese, it is very hard to write in sumi, the Japanese characters, with your left hand.


Anonymous said...

hey ms fukuda this is pretty interesting. cause im left handed. maybe i got special talents? alright shoots then see you class tomorrow. give me A? haha

Anonymous said...

Hello there Ms.Fukuda. Well to answer the question first of all, i am left-handed, but i wouldn't say that all left-handed people turn out to be smart or what they say organized. Because i'm not. I may be left-handed but i'm not anything special. I'm just like every other teenager with my own personality.
-Jenn Pd.5

Anonymous said...

hi ms. fukuda its chad aoki again
well im not left handed but i know people that are and they are cool

Anonymous said...

hi ms.Fukuda
its me, ally.
your favorite student. haha.
this thing is very interesting but i am not left handed.
although i do know many people who are.
but anyways.
heres my comment.
and ill talk to you later.

ally k.

Anonymous said...

hi miss
im a righty and when i write with my left hand it looks ugly
well bye
-michelle pang pd.1

Anonymous said...

hey ms. fukuda
well my dad is left handed but i would consider him the brightest person in the world to answer your question. and yeah i seen something on CSI on how the guy cut some other guy in half and cut his arm off cause the chainsaw bounced off his target that he was cutting cause it was made for a righthanded person and he was a lefty. k laters.

Anonymous said...

Ms. its me again but yeah dis is an interesting blog...haha i wish i was lefthanded...yeah right haha nah but der were some brilliant right handed people oput der too so don't leave out da majority cuz were talented too!

Shiloh Aiu per.1

Anonymous said...

No...but I wish both of my hands were dominant. That would make things much easier.

Anonymous said...

Im glad im not left handed, I would gladly give up superior artistic skills, for being able to buy a pair of scisors or other things that being a lefty would make harder to do, I also think that it is just a coincidence that those guys are lefties, if that was true every leftie should be super artistic, I think the reasons they were so artistic was because their lives sucked-- Einstein didnt learn to talk until he was like 4 and he did bad in school

Jason Trankel per 2