Saturday, May 26, 2007

How I became a teacher

Is it all in a name? In my previous post, I shared with you that I chose my own name of Caryn which means "one of the seven stars in the constellation Orion." I thought it was pretty. Therefore when I used to take Spanish in high school, I called myself Estrella which means "Star."

In my dream one night, some years ago, I dreamt of seven young girls holding up a sign that said the words "PLEIADES." The sign had stars all around and it was very shiny and bright. It was as if someone was trying hard to get my attention, probably the person who tries to talk to you at night through your dreams, the man from upstairs. :)

The girls looked sad, finally one of them spoke, she said, " Why don't you want to teach us any more?"

The girls were referring to my teaching stint of teaching Spanish culture and language to 3rd - 6th graders out in Ewa Beach. I quit teaching after a bad experience with a long term sub job I had at Ilima Intermediate in Ewa Beach.

There were seven girls because coincidentally, there were 7 girls in the Pleaides myth. In the pleaides myth, it relates to how there are 7 stars or a cluster of stars in the night sky near the constellation Orion. One of the stars, the 7th star, married a mortal and she hides from view from shame. She is the lost star. In my interpretation of my dream, I was the lost star, the lost soul.

After I quit teaching or subbing anyway, I felt a great hole in my soul that could not be replaced.
But I never knew what that hole was. I ignored it and someone finally told me that they thought I could be a good teacher some day. I said no, absolutely not. And he warned me saying that unless I do what it was intended for me to do in this lifetime, I would not make that strange emptiness go away.

He was right. :) So I went back to school to get a masters in education and here I am. :)


Anonymous said...

wow Ms. Fukuda, I would never have guessed that people use to make trouble to you when you were a sub. Well, I'm glad that you're an actual teacher because without you, I wouldn't be graduating. Thanks so much for everything and this blog was worth reading because now I know a little more information on you.

Anonymous said...

oh that was me Ms. Fukuda. Teddie Saito

Anonymous said...

you c ms. wehn ur gone all 6 periods have nothin better to do so we make trouble to ur subs. they are all mean
dont b absent again.

Anonymous said...

I wish you had given this site to us at the beginning of the year because it was intresting to read about you. I'm glad you're a teacher :) even though u go from number 8 to number 19 on a test, I'm glad you're a teacher.